about to Learn the 'Secrets'
that Most
People will never Know -
How to
see through pretences and get to know the hidden side of anyone you want
to understand better - family, friend, rival or foe...”
me 1 minute and I'll give you an idea
of what you are about to learn!"
Discover secrets like ...
How to Detect Cruelty and violence simply by looking at a page of
handwriting. You will also learn how to identify bad temper
How to tell if someone is selfish and egocentric or generous and
openhearted from the handwriting alone.
How to see if someone has a strong character and real leadership
qualities or if they are merely covering up their weaknesses with a show
of bravado
How to spot genuine intelligence and see if the writer shows any
giftedness or talent
How to identify rebellion and resentment in handwriting and to
understand the reasons for the writer's anger.
How to see why people
in a relationships seem to be clashing a lot. You will learn how to
identify the reasons for their conflict.
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A Graphology
After many requests for back
numbers of The Graphology Review I have collected, updated and put
together all the articles, hints and tips from the first 12 issues
of the newsletters in
A Graphology Showcase

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INSIGHT, All Rights