The following writing comes form
the pen of Himmler an infamous Nazi leader and war criminal responsible
for countless murders in the death camps during the Second World War.
The unrelenting angular
formations combined with heavy pressure and excessive forward slant
indicate fanaticism.
Notice the dagger-like t-bars
and the ink-filled strokes. There are no round formations or ovals to
alleviate the harshness.
Even the "e" in his signature is
a straight up and down stroke. There is a merciless quality that
pervades the whole handwriting.
While he was cold and
calculating, his extremely repressive nature was obsessive. But he was
also highly strung and he was ready to erupt into violence at a moment's
Undeviating in his
relentlessness he was a time-bomb waiting to explode.
Himmler's handwriting:
