The following illustration is
said to be the handwriting of Jack the Ripper. Although it is widely
accepted that this is his handwriting there is no absolute certainty
about it. But even if it isn't his handwriting, the writer of this
letter is a nasty, hostile and violent individual.
Note the general confusion,
smudgy writing, ink filled ovals and lack of space between the words.
There is a very noticeable
variation of pressure in the strokes which indicates extreme emotional
The uneducated writing has a
crude, primitive quality and is at the same time wildly uncontrolled and
As you study it, you become more
and more aware of its base qualities. The ink seems to drip with

There is no mistaking the base
character of this writer. He is malicious and malevolent to the core.
For some other nasty characters
in handwriting profile go to
The Hall of