In Mother Teresa's handwriting
we have a fine example of her excellent communication skills.
Mother Teresa had a strong
personality and she was able to persuade the most difficult of
politicians to see things her way. She could speak to anyone from
politicians, dignitaries and world leaders to the poorest beggars in the
From her biographical details we
know this to be perfectly true.
But let us also see if we can
find evidence of these communication skills in the following extract
from one of Mother Theresa's letters:

The Graphology
Review No 15 we listed 10 points that indicated special
communication skills.
Here are some of the signs in
Mother Teresa's handwriting. that point to those communication skills:
Good legibility.
Large size
The handwriting slants gently
towards the right.
There is no cramping of
letters. Middle zone letters are generous.
Many wide circular letters
e.g. o's and e's, d's and g's though they are mostly closed at the
top. (There is also evidence of some interference within the circles
which is a communication negative).
Spacing between lines rather
narrow in relation to the size of the handwriting
The signature is positioned
towards the right
Mother Teresa's handwriting
shows a lot more about her character and personality. But it also bears
testimony to the fact that she was an excellent communicator and had
superb communication skills!