There is no doubt that
handwriting analysis holds a lot of fascination for many people. And as
it gains in popularity they would like to know if there has been any
scientific research to back it up.
But there are many levels of
handwriting analysis and misinformation abounds. There are fairground
readings, side shows and slot machines in shopping malls where you can
get a printout in seconds - all these come under the label of
"graphology" or "handwriting analysis".
Obviously this is not the real
thing and can only discredit graphology as a whole. But this aspect of
handwriting analysis is unfortunately widespread and of course it gives
it a bad name. As a result there are many who will never appreciate the
real value of handwriting analysis and under these circumstances one
can’t really blame them for denouncing it.
For this reason I have put up
the following list for your convenience. It is far from definitive or
complete; and I apologize for any mistakes - but it should give you some
idea of the extent of the research that has been done and is still being
done to validate handwriting analysis.
My thanks to Jonathon Blake for
supplying me with his list which I have reduced considerably.
also have some other lists citing different research studies in
graphology – among them a long list (entirely in French) sent to me by
Professor Michel De Grave, a Psychoanalyst and founder of CEREG in
Belgium. CEREG is the Centre of European Research and Study of
Graphology (Cercle Européen de Recherches et d'études Graphologiques ).
The following list (arranged
alphabetically and not according to date) is just a small sampling of
the huge documentation that is available:
Research in
APA Guidelines For Educational and
Psychological Testing
American Psychological Association
APA: 1974.
Barrow, N K and Scott, R H
Validation of a personnel Selection System to meet EEOC Guidelines.
Journal Of Handwriting Psychology
1984, 1 (1), 15 - 17
Baruch Nevo,
Graphology Validation Studies in Israel.
Beumont, P. - British Journal of
Small handwriting in some patients with anorexia nervosa
1971. 119, 349-350,
Binet, Alfred L.
La graphologie et ses revelations sur le sexe, l'age et l'intelligence.
L'Ann,e Psychologique
1904: 10, 179-210
Broom, M E , Thompson, B & Bouton,
Sex Differences in Handwriting
Journal of Applied Psychology
1929, 13, 159-166
Bruchon-Schweitzer, M & Ferrieux, D
Une Enqete sur le recrutement en France
European Review of Applied Psychology
1991: 41, 9 - 19
Campbell, D T & Fiske, D W:
Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the Multitrait-MultiMethod
Psychological Bulletin
1959, 56, 81 - 105.
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, P
Ratings of Intelligence and Personality from Handwriting
American Psychologist
Cattell, Raymond B
A Culture Free Intelligence Test I
Journal of Educational Psychology
March 1940: 31(30, 161 - 170
L'age et le sexe dans l',criture
Parigi: Adyar: 1924
Crumbaugh, J C & Stockholm, E
Validation of Graphoanalysis by 'Global' or 'Holistic' Method.
Perceptual And Motor Skills
1977, 44, 03 - 410.
( Crumbaugh 1977 )
Crumbaugh, J C
A Reply to 'Validity And Student Acceptance of A Graphoanalytic Approach
To Personality.'
Journal of Personality Assessment.
1977 , 41, 351 - 352 .
( Crumbaugh 1977 )
Dennis, Wayne
Handwriting conventions as determinants of human figure drawings
Journal of Consulting Psychology
1958: 22, 293-295
Dennis, Wayne & Raskin, Evelyn
Further evidence concerning the effect of handwriting habits upon the
location of drawing.
Journal of Consulting Psychology
1960, 24, 548-249
Eliasberg, Wladimir:
Political Graphology
Journal of Psychology
1943, 16, 177 - 201.
Eliasberg, Wladimir:
Methods in graphological diagnostics.
Psychiatric Quarterly
1952, 26, 399 - 413.
Epstein, L, Hartford, H & Tumarkin,
The relationship of certain letter form variants in the handwriting of
female subjects to their education.
Journal of Experimental Education
1961, 29(4), 385-392
Epstein, S
The Stability of Behavior: 1
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
1979, 37, 1097 - 1126
Epstein, S
The Stability Of Behavior: 2
American Psychologist
1980, 35, 790 - 806
Eysench, H. J. & Eyseneck, S. B. G.
Manual of the Eysenck Personality Inventory
London: University of London Press: 1964
Eysenck, H. J.
Graphological analysis and psychiatry: An Experimental Study
British Journal of Psychology
1945, 35, 70-81
Eysenck, H. J.
"Neuroticism" and handwriting
Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology
1948, 43, 94-96
Eysenck, H. J.
Handbook of Abnormal Psychology:
An Experimental Approach
London: Putnam: 1960
Eysenck, H. J.
Dimensions of Personality
London: 1961
Eysenck, H. J.
The Structure of Human Personality
London: Methuen: 1970
Eysenck, H J, and Gudjonsson, G
An Empirical Study of the Validity of Handwriting Analysis. Personality
and Individual Differences
1986, 7, 263 - 264.
Fahrenburg, J.
University of Freiburg: PhD Dissertation: 1961
Fahrenburg, J & Conrad, W
Eine explorativ Faktorenanalyse Graphometrischer und Psyhcometrischer
Zeitschrift fur Experimentalle und Angewande Psychologie
1964: 12: 223- 238
Fluckinger, Fritz A., Tripp,
Clarence A., and Weinberg,George H:
A Review of Experimental Research in Graphology: 1933 - 1960.
Perceptual and Motor Skills
1961, 12, 67 - 90.
( Fluckinger 1961 )
Frederick, C J
Some phenomena affecting handwriting analysis
Perceptual And Motor Skills
1965. 20, 211 - 218.
Galbraith, Dorothy and Wilson,
Reliability of the Graphoanalytic Approach to Handwriting Analysis.
Perceptual And Motor Skills
1964, 19(2), 615 - 618.
( Galbraith 1964 )
Galdo, L:
Valore della scrittura dal punto di vista della
Scrittura onore Kiesow
1933, 149-159
( Galdo 1933 )
De wetenschappelijke grondslagen der graphologie.
Tijdschrift voor wetenschappelijke graphologie,
1932, 4, 5 - 7.
Groot, A D de:
Een experimenteel-statistische toetsing van karakterologische (
grafologische ) rapporten.
Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Psychologie
1947, 2 (5) 380 - 473.
Groot, A D de:
Toetsing van grafologische rapporten. Een antwoord aan de heer Margadant.
Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Psychologie,
1949, 4 (1) , 70 - 81.
Groot, A D de:
Grafologie en andere psychologische methoden.
De Grafologie, prae-adviezen en discussieverslagen van de Nederlandsch
Ver. Bedriffspsychologie.
1954, 18, 8 - 17.
Guilford, J P:
New York: McGraw, 1959
Gundy, Lloyd W. Etienne Cabet:
A genealogical test of graphoanalysis
National Genealogical Society Quarterly
March 1990, Vol.78, No.1, p.39+
Hamid, Kate & Loewenthal
Inferring gender from handwriting in Urdu and English
The Journal of Social Psychology
December 1996: 136 (6), 778 - 783
Hansen, Mark
Handwriting Analysis under fire
ABA Journal
May 1997: 83, 76 - 79
Hatfield, Iris, E. Edward Peeples,
PhD, and Robert O'Block, PhD
Examining Horizontal Lengths of Signatures in True vs False Statements
Human Graphics Center for Research and Information, 1994.
Hearns, Rudolph S.
Heredity of psychological types. A study of the handwriting of the
Roosevelt families over 200 years
World Analyst
1959/60, No.1, pp.3-9
Hearns, Rudolph S
Reflexions sur les ,critures allemandes et nord-americaines.
La Graphologie
1974, 134
Hector Heinz:
Untersuchung zur Laiengraphologie.
Beihefte zur Schweizerischen Zeitschrift f?r Psychologie und ihre
1953, 20, 80 - 88.
Hearns, R. - Criminal
The use of graphology in criminology
1972, 3, 461-464
Hector Heinz:
Das Methodenproblem der Graphologie.
Beihefte zur Schweizerischen Zeitschrift f?r Psychologie und ihre
1949, 18, 25 - 46.
Hofsommer, W. and Holdsworth, R and
Seifert, T:
Reliabilit"tsfragen in der Graphologie.
Psychologie und Praxis
1965, 9 (1), 14 - 24.
Howes, R J
The Rorschach: Does it Have a Future?
Journal of Personality Assessment
1981, 45, 339 - 351 ????
Ianetta, Kimon and Reed Hayes,
James F. Craine, PhD & Dennis G. McLaughlin, PhD
Facilitating Assessment of Dangerousness
by Using Characteristics of Handwriting Hawaii
Institut f?r Werbepsychologie und
Die Verteilung von Handschriften-Merkmalen innerhalb der westdeutschen
Praktische Psychologie
1966, 20(9), 211-214
Jacoby, Hans J:
De oorzaak van verkeerde graphologische diagnosen.
Tijdschrift voor wetenschappelijke Graphologie,
1930, 2, 88 - 90.
Jansen, Abraham:
Toetsing van grafologische uitspraken. Een Experimentele studie.
Amsterdam: F Van Rossen, 1963.
Jansen, Abraham:
Research noodzakelijke voorwaarde voor schoolgrafologie.
Tijdschrift Orthopedagogiek,
1965, 4(9), 230 - 235.
Jansen, Abraham:
Validation of Graphological Judgments: An Experimental Study.
The Hague: Mouton, 1973.
Jores, A
Handschrift und Lebensalter
Zeitschrift f?r Menschenkunde
1930: 6, 75-78
Kam, Moshe
Journal of Forensic Sciences
September 1997:
Keinan, G.
Can stress be measured by handwriting analysis ?
The effectiveness of the analytic method; discusses theoretical
implications and possible advantages of using handwriting parameters as
an indication of acute stress.
Applied Psychology--An
International Review
Psychologies Appliquee-Revue International:
V0042 N2: APR 1993: pp. 153-170.
King, Leslie:
Graphology: An evaluation of some research
performed in its investigation.
Bountiful, UT: Leslie King: 1974
Klages, Ludwig
Der "Religiouse Kurve"
Zeitschurft f?r die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie
1938: 163, 575-584
Klimonski, R J & Rafaeli, A:
Inferring Personal Qualities through Handwriting Analysis
Journal Of Occupational Psychology
1983, 56, 191 - 202
Kraus, Ron
Reliability and Validity of HWA compared to the standard battery.
PhD Thesis: 1993
Levy, Jerre & Reid, Marylou
Variations in writing posture and cerebral organization
October 1976, 194(4262), 337-339
Livingston, Orville B:
Frequency of certain characteristics in handwriting,
Pen-printing of two hundred people.
Journal of Forensic Sciences.
1963, 8(2), 250 - 258
( Livingston 1963 )
Lockowandte, Oskar
Present Status of the Investigation of Handwriting Psychology, as a
Diagnostic Method.
J.S.A.S. Catalogue of Selected Documents in Psychology
1976, 6(1), 4
Lockowandte, Oskar:
Faktorenanalytische Validierung der Handschrift mit besonder
Berucksichtigung projektiver Methoden.
Unpublished dissertation, University of Frieburg, 1966
Lockowandte, Oskar:
La validation de l',criture par analyse factorielle, en relation avec
les methodes projectives.
La Graphologie,
1968, 109, 24
Lockowandte, Oskar:
Quantitative Ueberprufungsmethoden in der Graphologie.
Zeitschrift fur experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie.
1968, 15 (3), 487 - 530
Lockowandte, Oskar:
Present status of the investigation of handwriting psychology as a
diagnostic method.
Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology,
1976, 6, 4 - 5.
Lorr, Maurice and Golder, Jacob V:
Validation of some handwriting scales against personality inventory
American Psychologist,
1948, 3, 262.
Mack, L.
Hemispheric Specialization for Handwriting in Right-Handers
Brain and Cognition; V0021 N1, pp 80-85,
Jan. 1993.
Maluf, Ued:
Notas sobre as tecnicas projectivas na investiagacao psicologica.
Boletim do Instituto de Psicologia,
1960, 10 ( 1-2 ), 14 - 27.
Mann, W Raymond:
A continuation of the search for objective graphological hypotheses.
Unpublished dissertation, University of Ottawa, 1961.
Marchesan, Marco:
Gli experimenti sulla scrittura da Binet ai nostri giorni.
Revista de Psicologia Normal e Pat¢logica.
1958, 4, 116 - 146.
Mehta, M K:
The Identification of Handwriting and the Close Examination of Experts.
Tripathi, 1970: Fourth Edition .
Tripathi, 1961: Second Edition.
Mengelberg, Paul M
Die symptome der Veralterung in der Handschrift
Zeitschrift f?r Menschenkunde
1965, 29, 3-27
Miller, James:
A Bibliography Of Handwriting Analysis: A Graphological Index.
Whitston Publishing Company: Troy, NY: 1982
M?hl, Anita M:
Report on twenty three years of research in handwriting.
Medical Woman's Journal
1948, 55, 27 - 31, 60.
1952, 59, 409 - 411
Naegler, Robert C:
A Validation study of personality assessment through Graphoanalysis.
Unpublished paper. Drury College.
International Graphoanalysis Society, 1960.
( Nagler 1960 )
Neter, E & Ben-Shakhar, G
The Predictive Validity of Graphological Inferences: A Meta-Analytical
Personality and Individual Differences
1989, 10, 737 - 745.
Nevo, B:
Scientific Aspects Of Graphology: A Handbook
Springfield, IL: Thomas: 1986
( Nevo 1986 )
Nevo, B:
Reliability of Graphology: A Survey of the Literature in Scientific
Aspects of Graphology:
A Handbook edited by B Nevo. Springfield, IL: Thomas: 1986
( Nevo 1986a)
Nevo, B
Validation of Graphology through Use of a Matching Method Based on
Perceptual And Skills
1989: 69, 734 - 745.
Ouweleen, H W:
Schoolcijfers, korte graphologische analyse en schriftelijk onderzoek
bij de voor-selectie.
Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor psychologie.
1950, 5(4), 324 - 342.
Ouweleen, H W:
Een wetenschappelijk onderzoek van grafologische uitspraken.
The Hague: Nederlandsch Ver. Bedrijfspychologie, 1963.
Paul-Mengeberg, M
Die Symptome der Veralterund in der handschrift
Zeitschrift Fur Mennschenkunde
1965, 29, 3-27
Pearl, R. A:
The value of handwriting in the neurological examination.
Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine,
1974, 41, 200 - 204.
Peeples, E E:
Training, Certification and Experience of handwriting Analysts.
Perceptual And Motor Skills
1990, 70: 1219 - 1226
( Peeples 1990 )
Pfanne, Heinrich.
Die Schriftexpertise und ihre Bedeutung f?r dier
Rudolstadt: Der Greifenverlag, 1955.
Popper, Karl R:
Science: Conjectures and Refutations
in Conjectures And Refutations
New York: Harper & Row, 1968.
Pokorny, Richard
Psychologie Der Handschrift
Munich: Kindler Verlag GmbH: 1973
Pritchard, Anita
Reliability of graphological judgments based on different tecniques of
date unknown;
Prystav, Gunther:
Interpretationsreliabilit"t in der Schriftpsychologie.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift f?r Psychologie und ihre Anwendungen.
1971, 30 ( 4 ), 320 - 332.
Pulver, Max
Symbolik des Schriftfeldes
Zeitschrift f?r Menschenkunde
1930: 6, 53-63
Pulver, Max
Symbolik der Handschrift
Zurich & Leipzig: Fussli: 1940
Rafaeli, A & Klimoski, R J:
Predicting Sales Success through handwriting analysis: An evaluation of
effects of training and handwriting sample content.
Journal Of Applied Psychology
1983 ( 68 ) 212 - 217
Raices, Nuestras
Handwriting: a unique tool for the genealogist
Our Roots Quarterly,
Summer 1994, Vol.6, No.2, pp.43+
Ras, Matilda:
Historia de la escritura y grafolog¡a.
Madrid: Editorial Plus-Ultra, 1951.
Rivkai, I
al hahipazon v'haitiyut bikhtav uv'al pe
1948/9, 6, 476-480
Rosenthal, R:
Experimenter Effects in Behavioral Research.
New York: Appleton Century Crofts, 1966
Sassoon, R. - Children's
Handwriting As An Indicator of Stress;
International Journal of Psychology;
V0027 N3-4, p 440, Jun-Aug 1992.
Schmitt, J, Neal, J & Klimoski, R:
Research Method's in Human Resources Management.
South Western Publications, Cincinnati, OH: 1991.
Schwarz, Daniel
A validity study assessing integrity.
Seifert, Theodor:
Faktoreanalyse einger Schriftmerkmale.
Zeitschrift f?r experimentelle und Angewandte Psychologie.
1964, 11 ( 4 ), 645 - 666.
Shimrat, Niusia
Lateral dominance and direction orientation in the writing of American
and Israeli children.
Dissertation Abstracts International
1970, 31(4-b). 2267
Shimrat, Niusia
The impact of laterality and cultural background on the development of
writing skills.
1973, 11(2), 239-242
Sovik, N; Arntzen O & Thygesen, R
Effects of Feedback in Graphonomics: Contemporary Research in
Handwriting edited by Kao, H S R; Van Galen, G P & Hoosian,
R: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 1986.
Stabholz, M S
Individual differences in handwriting of monozygotic and dizogtic twins
in relation to personality and genetic factors
University of London: PhD Thesis: 1981
Stangohr, Gordon R
Opposite hand writings
Journal of Forensic Sciences
1968, 13(3), 376-389
Starch, D
Educational Psychology
New York: Macmillan: 1927
Steiner, Dirk D; Stephen W
Fairness reactions to personnel selection techniques in France and the
United States
Journal of Applied Psychology
April 1996: 81(2), 134 - 142
Thomas, D L
Validity of Graphoanalysis in the Assessment of
Personality Characteristics.
Master's Thesis, Colorado State University: 1966
( Thomas 1966 )
Timm, Ulrich:
Graphometrie als psychologischer Test
Psychologische Forschung
1967, 30, 307 - 356
Van Der Hout, C. G:
Schrijven. Proeve van een fenomenologische benadering.
Groningen: J B Wolters, 1967.
Vestewig, Richard; Santee, Aileen
H. and Moss, Martin K:
Validity and student acceptance of a graphoanalytic approach to
Journal of Personality Assessment,
1976, 40 (6), 592 - 598.
Vuiller, H Richard
Evidence of Character To Prove Conduct: Illusion,
Illogic and Injustice in The
University of Pennsylvania Law Review
April 1982: 130(4), 845 - 891
Wallner, Tuet:
Die Statistik in der Graphologie.
Zeitschrift f?r Menschenkunde
1955, 19, 129 - 132
Wallner, Tuet:
Die Zuverl"ssigkeit der graphologischen
1956, 3, 251 - 254
Wallner, Tuet:
Graphologie als Objekt statisticher Untersuchungen
Psychologische Rundschau
1965, 16 ( 4 ), 282 - 298.
Wallner, Tuet:
A Necessary correction of a validating research study in handwriting
psychology by D Kimmel and M Werheimer.
Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality
1967, 31(2), 70 - 71.
Wallner, Tuet:
Orientering i skriftpsykilogins teori och forskingsresultat.
Norkisk Psykologi
1967, 19(3), 162 - 173.
Wallner, Tuet:
Die Reliabilit"t schriftpsychologischer Begutachtungen.
Zeitschrift f?r Menschenkunde
1969, 33, 191 - 197.
Wallner, Tuet:
Der Unterschied zwischen Schriftpsychologie und Graphologie.
Psychologie und Praxis
1971, 15(1_, 1 - 8.
Wallner, Tuet
Bemerkungen zu W H Muellers Untersuchungen uber die Objecktivitat von
Anumutungsqualitaten in der Handschrift.
Psychologische Beitrage
1961, 5, 586-596
Wallner, Tuet:
De fundamentele Werkhypothesen der Schriftpsychologie.
Acta Graphologica,
1973, 3, 3 - 11.
Wallner, Tuet:
Planung und Durchf?hrung von schriftpsychologischen Untersuchungen.
Zeitschrift f?r experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie.
1970, 17(2), 316 - 256.
Wallner, Tuet:
Hypotheses of Handwriting Psychology and their Verification.
Professional Psychology
1975, 6 ( 1) , 8 - 16
Weiss, A A
Directionality in four Bender-Gestlat figures III
Perceptual and Motor Skills
1975, 40(2), 595-598
Zweigenhaft, Richard L & Marlowe, David:
Signature size: Studies in expressive movements.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
1973, 40(3), 469 - 473.