The following are not
personality types. They are a fun way of looking at handwriting
that I devised in order to illustrate certain points. They are all
excerpts from The Graphology Review.
If you want more info about
the articles, tips and insights in the first 12 issues of "The
Graphology Review" you can get it here:
"A Graphology
Featuring: the following
"personality types"
The Sad Bee
From The Graphology Review No
This handwriting has a sad,
weak appearance. It is lacking in energy and there is no dynamism
The tension of the writing
is slack
The pressure is light
The upper and lower loops
are so short that they are almost non-existent
T-bars are placed low on the
I-dots are missing
The Worker Bee
From The Graphology Review No
Notice the striking contrast.
This handwriting is dynamic, strong and cheerful. This writer is an
ambitious achiever.
Notice the following:
Firm, long downstrokes with
good pressure - determination
High long t-bars that slant
upwards - enthusiasm and ambition
Lines that slant upwards -
more enthusiasm
Letters that slant to the
right – desire for involvement and proactivity
A right margin that goes
close to the right edge of the page - a certain fearlessness.
A Graphology

If you would like to collect
all the Articles, Tips and Insights from 12 issues of The Graphology
Review you will find them in "A Graphology Showcase".
Hippo Writing
From The Graphology Review No
Hippo writing is round and
large. The round, large middle zone shows self-interest and often a
disregard for the comfort of others. Wide and expansive, the writing
spreads out luxuriously like a hippo taking up a large part of the
The hippo personality likes to wallow in luxury and this is reflected
in the handwriting with its oversized ovals and rather careless
Complacency and a love of
comfort and ease are to be found not only in the exaggerated middle
zone but also in the extravagant use of space.

The Windmill
From The Graphology Review No
The windmill personality is
scatter-brained, completely disorganized and therefore never in
In and out of situations not
always of her own making, she seems to be continually at the mercy of
the elements, long arms flailing about depending on the direction of
the wind.
The windmill personality is
quite easy to identify in handwriting.
A large, rather chaotic
handwriting it has a very irregular appearance. The letters are uneven
both in form and in size. Tall upper loops and long lower loops vary
in length and slant.
The Uptight Personality
From The Graphology Review No
The following sample shows
several uptight tendencies. We see independence, a critical, rather
severe attitude and an economy of feeling. Notice too, how the words
are separated by large spaces indicating that the writer has a feeling
of personal isolation.

Here are some of the
handwriting indicators for the uptight personality as discussed in The
Graphology Review No 17;
Small to middle size
Upright slant
Narrow letters
Angular connections
Economical use of space on
the page
Although the words here are
not extremely cramped they are certainly not expansive. The spacing
between the letters is very economical.
Hanging Loose
From The Graphology Review No
This is in direct contrast to
the previous handwriting sample. This handwriting is very comfortable
and shows relaxation, confidence and a very much more casual approach.

The indicators that point to
the "hanging loose" type of personality are:
Large size
Forward slant
Wide garland connections
Extravagant use of the page
Spread out horizontally
Somewhat untidy in
Large lower zone where the
lower loops are not completed.
The Hedgehog
From The Graphology Review No
This example is a good example
of our hedgehog described in The Graphology Review No 16.
A hedgehog is a sensitive
self-protective individual who hides his sensitivity by reacting to
threatening situations with irritability, minor aggressions and short
bursts of anger.

Prickly but not unkind, a
hedgehog is never a seriously aggressive person, though he will
respond with an effective show of irritation. Notice the curved t-bars
etc which reduce the impression of real aggression.
You will find most of the
following indicators in the sample above.
Some small angles especially
in the middle zone – aggression or defensiveness.
Sharp spikes in upper and
middle zone – more aggression or defensiveness
Stabbed i-dots, diacritics
or sharp short t-strokes to the right of the t-stems – irritability
Long t-bars tapering towards
the end - sarcasm
Some rounded letters –
underlying softness
Small to medium sized middle
zone – trying to be inconspicuous
Large spaces between words
and lines – a desire to be left alone
The hedgehog test
Are you a hedgehog?
Tick off the following
hedgehog features in your handwriting. How many do you have? More than
4 out of seven and you’re it!
Many small angles in
handwriting – aggression or defensiveness
Sharp spikes in upper and
middle zone – aggression or defensiveness
Jabbed I-dots and sharp
short t-strokes to the right of the t-stems – irritability
Long straight t-bars
tapering towards the end - sarcasm
Some rounded letters –
hidden softness
Small to medium sized middle
zone – trying to be inconspicuous
Large spaces between words
and lines – a desire to be left alone
A Graphology

You can get the whole collection and much
more in "A Graphology Showcase"
If you would like to collect
all the Articles, Tips and Insights from 12 issues of The Graphology
Review you will find them in "A Graphology Showcase".
For more info about it
click here
A Cinderella Handwriting -
From The Graphology Review No
I’ve always thought of
Cinderella as a typical "Goody Two-Shoes." She does as she’s told. She
never answers back. She meekly takes all the punishment that her
stepmother and stepsisters can hand out.
She does nothing proactive.
She does nothing to help herself. When her fairy godmother comes along
to turn the pumpkin into a glittering chariot and create a ball-gown
out of her rags, Cinderella is understandably delighted. But she
herself has done nothing to bring on her new-found good fortune.
And then to crown it all, she
obediently runs away from the prince at the stroke of midnight. No
rebellion! No fighting spirit!
Now you will agree that a
Cinderella personality can only produce a Cinderella handwriting. Here
it is:

The small rounded handwriting
which is rather static in movement shows that this writer does not
extend herself beyond her boundaries. The conventional and soft
formations show amenability. She is sweet and undemanding. Large gaps
between the lines and words show that she feels isolated and lonely.
She feels that nobody understands her!
Notice also how the lines
slope downwards slightly giving an indication of depression. (This of
course, was before she met the prince! Her handwriting will
undoubtedly undergo some real changes when she starts to live in the
The Stepmother's Handwriting
Now here is a "perfect"
contrast to Cinderella’s handwriting. This of course, is Cinderella’s
stepmother in full tackle. It makes a lovely example of extreme

Notice how the dark angular
writing, seems to tower over Cinderella's gentle and unprepossessing
little offering. Large in size, its sweeping horizontal strokes
dominate and completely dwarf the tiny self-conscious t-strokes so
timidly submitted by Cinderella.
The pressure is much heavier
too - you may be sure this Stepmother will lean heavily on our
Cinderella. There are many other points of incompatibility too but
this will serve to highlight the enormous potential for disagreement!
Teach yourself
handwriting analysis
Now you can learn Handwriting
Analysis with a fascinating Handwriting Analysis Course that you can
download immediately!
Learn how to unravel the
mysteries of personality hidden in every handwriting with
The Hidden Meaning
of Handwriting
the Portrait a practical hands-on guide to help you write a
personality report from scratch. Step by step instructions.
A Graphology
Showcase, collect all the Articles, Tips and Insights from 12
issues of The Graphology Review.
The Mark of Genius
Relationship Secrets